Volume 2, Issue 1 (October 2020)

Volume 2, Issue 1 (October 2020)

Download a PDF of the current issue here.


Critical engagement: The modus operandi of The Toronto Urban Journal
Antony Riley, York University, Canada (pp. 1-4)

Special Section: StudentDwellTO

Rationalized growth
Alexander Christison, York University, Canada (pp. 9-23)

The evolution of student housing
Allison Evans, York University, Canada (pp. 25-41)

Thinking beyond gentrification: Studentification, territorial stigmatization and Toronto’s suburban off-campus rooming houses
Jamilla Mohamud, York University, Canada (pp. 43-51)

‘A place to call home?’ Demographic and housing trends in the Greater Toronto Area: A report
Rabia Ahmed, Paul Procopio, Leandra C. Ferguson, Sarah Jackson, and Jerrica Gilbert, York University, Canada (pp. 53-76)

Original Research

Reimagining urban theory: Technology, infrastructure and justice of individualization
Roman Shemakov, Yale-NUS College, Singapore (pp. 81-87)

A right to two cities: Hong Kong protesters in Toronto and the diasporic right to the city
Anonymous Author, University of Toronto, Canada (pp. 90-97)

On disease and democracy – Cholera in 19th century Canada: Lessons in preventative public policy
Adam Wynne, University of Toronto, Canada (pp. 99-106)

Show your urban water flow: Comparing water infiltration rates through the soils of restored natural areas and turf grass in Chicago’s urban parks
Michelle Giles, Brittany Janney, Disha Sinha, and Katherine M. Powell, Roosevelt University, Ambedkar University and the Field Museum of Natural History, United States and India (pp. 109-123)